5 Key Differences Between Personal and Business Social Media Accounts

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According to SmartInsights.com, as of January 2023, 4.76 Billion people are using social media. That’s 59% of the global population. Put another way, 71 times the South African population, are using one of another form of social media.

But while we all do enjoy reconnecting with “friends” and keeping up with whoever you choose to follow, a small percentage of these users are running their businesses on these social platforms. They’re the ones popping up on your feed uninvited, addressing a need you just happen to inquire about 10 minutes ago… if they know what they’re doing, that is.

Business Social Media vs Personal Social Media

And therein lies the crux of the matter. Because social media for business is very different to social media for personal use.

If you manage your business account and personal account on social media in the same way, it’s time to adjust your approach, or you’re simply setting yourself up to fail. It’s crucial to recognize the main distinctions between personal and business social media accounts, as social media can be a very effective tool for businesses to connect with and interact with their target market.

Over the years, I’ve gained valuable insights on the differences between personal and business social media accounts through extensive research, guidance from mentors, and training modules. Staying on top of marketing analytics has also helped me understand how to create effective strategies for social media marketing campaigns. Through constantly learning and exploring new ways to deliver the right messages for my clients, I came to understand the importance of approaching social media for a business differently than for personal use.

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Here Are The Top 5 Distinctions To Remember:

  1. Goals – You typically use your personal social media account for self-expression and intimate communication. On the other hand, the objectives of your business account should be lead generation, brand awareness, and engagement.
  2. Audience – Your personal social media audience is typically made up of friends and family, whereas your business audience is made up of both potential and current clients. This means you should specifically target your content at their needs, interests, and problems.
  3. Tone: While your business account should be professional and consistent with your brand identity, your personal social media accounts may be more casual.
  4. Frequency – While you may occasionally post on your personal social media accounts, your business accounts should have a regular posting schedule in order to keep your audience interested.
  5. Metrics – Lastly, the quantity of likes, comments, and followers you have serve as indicators of your individual social media success. Metrics like engagement rates, conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI) should be your main priorities for your business account.
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In Summary

It’s crucial to understand that personal and business accounts on social media operate on two entirely different platforms. While using your personal social media accounts for staying in touch with friends and family may be great, managing a business social media account necessitates a strategic approach that is in line with your overall marketing objectives.

You can develop a powerful social media presence that encourages engagement and, ultimately, results in business growth by concentrating on the specific needs of your business audience and tailoring your content accordingly. You’ll be well on your way to achieving success on social media if you keep the key distinctions in mind, such as goals, audience, tone, frequency, and metrics.


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About Petri Kleynhans

He is the founder and director of Little Brother Media Productions. He has been in the industry for more than 15 years, 11 of those in charge of this company. He cut his teeth as a freelance editor, producer and animator for high end clients like Carte Blanche, 50|50, Coca-Cola Africa, MTN and Momentum Health. He has a passion for improving lives and uncompromising on the quality of work Little Brother Media Production delivers.


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Hey, I’m Petri Kleynhans. I’m determined to make your business grow. Simply add your email below and let’s start the conversation.